We’re simpler, more affordable, and easier to use than the competition.
Communicate with your leads and customers via text, email, calls, voicemail drops, and even Messenger/Instagram Direct Messages!
PIPELINE MIX replaces over a dozen different software tools, eliminating the need to piece together multiple automation systems.
Switching from your old CRM to PIPELINE MIX has never been easier.
If webchat or forms aren’t your preference, you can easily use our Zapier and native integrations to connect virtually any lead source, including Zillow, Typeform, GravityForms, Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and more! Plus, you can engage with leads from organic channels like Messenger, Instagram, or Google Business Listing Chat.
Want to capture those curious visitors? Just embed our code on your website and let our webchat engage them.
Plus, you can set up automations to have PIPELINE MIX respond automatically, add them to your qualified lead database, and alert you when they’re ready to enter the sales cycle.
Easily create forms and embed them on your website or landing page. You can even link them to your workflow automations!
It’s a quick and simple way to collect customer data and move closer to making those sales.
Schedule your emails, build forms, surveys, templates, and so much more with our features.
The best thing is that everything is under one roof and you can automate it all with
No Other Software gives you as much bang for your buck
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We will not share your personal information without your consent, except as required by law. By providing your contact information, you agree to this Consent to Communications.
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PIPELINE MIX is an AI-Powered customer relationship manager built by Sid Seth and his team to help insurance agents with their marketing campaigns.
It has been embraced by agents around the country and is now the fastest-growing sales and marketing platform for insurance agents!